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Director Skolimowski’s untold story on his masterpiece, BARRIER: Oct. 20th (Tue)

Introducing the untold story on the masterpiece of the WORLD CINEMA section’s screening film from Jerzy Skolimowski 60’s Best,BARRIER. All the walk-up tickets were sold out immediately partly because the film was a 1966 vintage and rarely had a chance to be screened at the theaters and also that Director Jerzy Skolimowski had made his appearance at the theater. Before the full house audience, the Director told his story on how he began to direct the film.

Director Jerzy Skolimowski:
“While I was working as a scriptwriter writing scripts such as Innocent Sorcerers (1960) for Andrzei Wajda and Knife in the Water (1962) for Roman Polanski; there was an opportunity for me to write a script which would become the base for the film, BARRIER. It was being directed by a different director, but that person withdrew from the production in the midst of the shooting because he didn’t want to shoot that sort of film”.

“That was when the Producer of the film told me to take his place and continue directing the film. When I tried to refuse, he asked me whether I didn't want to shoot the film because the script was badly written and also told me the reason why we couldn’t stop the production was because we were operating with the funds provided by the country. That was how I came to assume the direction of that film.”

“My favorite scene in the film that I shot through the trial and error was the opening scene. That is why I would be extremely honored if you can view the opening scene of my film and recall the story that I have told you.

Director Jerzy Skolimowski with real dandy looks

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KEIRIN.JPThe 22nd Tokyo International Film Festival will be held with funds provided by JKA.
21st Tokyo International Film Festival(2008)